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Criminal cases prosecuted by the CPS are in the news every day, along with a range of issues relating to our work – from violence against women and girls and hate crime, to support for victims and witnesses, statistics and speeches.

To ensure greater openness in the reporting of criminal proceedings, the CPS, the police and media representatives developed a joint protocol for working together.

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Showing 31 - 40 of 502 results for area "CPS"

Nursery worker guilty of manslaughter following death of nine-month-old baby

Nursery worker Kate Roughley has been found guilty of the manslaughter of a nine-month-old baby in her care.

| Press Release , Violent crime , CPS, North West News

A gang of conspirators have been sentenced for stealing train track rails

A gang of seven men have been sentenced at Sheffield Crown Court for stealing train track rails.

| Press Release , Fraud and economic crime , CPS News

Racist gesture results in football ban

A fan who racially abused Kasey Palmer during a Championship match has received a five-year football ban.

| Press Release , Hate crime , CPS News

High school teacher guilty of child sex offences against pupils

A teacher has today been found guilty of child sex offences against two pupils at the school where she worked.

| Press Release , Sexual offences , CPS, North West News

Girlfriend and mother convicted over failure to disclose Islamist terror plans

The mother and girlfriend of two Islamist terrorists have been convicted separately of failing to disclose plans for a terror attack in two different criminal trials.

| Press Release , Terrorism , CPS News

UPDATED WITH SENTENCE: Man convicted of murdering PC Sharon Beshenivsky in Bradford in 2005

A man who had been wanted for the murder of a Bradford Police Officer since 2006 has been convicted of her murder.

| Press Release , Violent crime , CPS, Yorkshire and Humberside News

Just Stop Oil protestors convicted of criminal damage after disrupting the World Snooker Championships

Two Just Stop Oil protestors have been convicted of causing and attempting to cause criminal damage after throwing orange powder to disrupt the World Snooker Championships in April last year – following a successful prosecution by the Crown Prosecution Service.

| Press Release , CPS News

Letter to the Justice Select Committee on prosecuting hate crime and offences that occur during protests: Stephen Parkinson, DPP

The conflict in the Middle East and protests that followed have undoubtedly resulted in surges in antisemitic and anti-Muslim hate crime, alongside disturbing scenes of support for proscribed terror groups. This has understandably caused those communities to feel deep concern and fears for their safety. I am writing to set out the action that the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) has taken in response to the increase in these despicable crimes.

| CPS says , CPS News

CPS authorises murder charges after death of 14-year-old boy in random Hainault attacks

Jaswant Narwal, Chief Crown Prosecutor for CPS London North, said: “The Crown Prosecution Service has authorised the Metropolitan Police to charge Marcus Arduini Monzo with the murder of 14-year-old Daniel Anjorin, who was fatally stabbed in Hainault on Tuesday 30 April.

| Press Release , Violent crime , CPS News

CPS authorises charges after the felling of the historic Sycamore Gap tree

Gary Fothergill, Specialist Prosecutor for CPS North East’s Complex Casework Unit, said: “The Crown Prosecution Service has authorised Northumbria Police to charge Daniel Graham and Adam Carruthers with causing criminal damage after the Sycamore Gap tree was cut down last September.

| Press Release , CPS, North East News

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