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Teenager sentenced for causing deaths of three by dangerous driving

|News, Driving offences

A 16-year-old boy was sentenced to six years' detention yesterday at Bradford Crown Court for causing the death by dangerous driving of three other road users.

The Judge lifted a ban on reporting the youth’s name due to strong public interest in the case.

On 13 June 2022 a Ford Transit van was stolen from Bankhouse Lane, Pudsey, and false registration plates were attached to it.

At quarter to eleven that evening, the van was witnessed being driven by Jack Simpson, then aged 15. Simpson was on police bail at the time, with a curfew of 10pm to 6am.

Simpson had two passengers in the van, including 17-year-old Kyden Leadbetter.

After encountering  the police on Bradford Road, Birkenshaw, Simpson drove away in the direction of Bradford, travelling at 70mph in a 30mph zone with the police following. Travelling towards Cleckheaton, he drove on the wrong side of the road, reaching 90mph as he approached Chain Bar roundabout, and then accelerated to over 95mph on Whitehall Road West, again travelling on the wrong side of the road.

He continued driving north on the southbound carriageway of the M606, where he collided with a Toyota Prius, killing its driver Simon McHugh, 49, and also the 28-year-old driver of a taxi, Sohail Ali.

Simpson pleaded guilty at earlier hearings to causing the deaths of Kyden Leadbetter, Simon McHugh and Sohail Ali by dangerous driving, and a further offence of dangerous driving.

Ben Moore from the CPS said: "Simpson acted in an unbelievably reckless manner. In doing so he has caused the tragic and untimely deaths of three people - 17-year-old Kayden Leadbetter, 49-year-old Simon McHugh, and 28-year-old Sohail Ali.

"Three families have been left devastated as a result of Simpson’s truly appalling actions that night. Our hearts go out to them, and they remain in our thoughts as they have been throughout."

Notes to editors

  • Jack Simpson, DOB: 22/6/06
  • Ben Moore is a Senior Crown Prosecutor with CPS Yorkshire and Humberside

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