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CPS North East - Successful Hate Crime Prosecutions - April 2023

|News, Hate crime

Under hate crime legislation the courts must pass increased sentences where prosecutors show evidence that offences either demonstrate or have been motivated by hostility towards a person’s race, religion, disability, transgender identity or sexuality. Below are examples of hate crime cases recently prosecuted by CPS North East, each of which resulted in a conviction and an uplifted sentence.

Case Study 1: Racist Hate Crime

The defendant has charged with an unprovoked assault on another member of public. When arrested he has been racially abusive towards the police officer. The defendant received a ten-week immediate prison sentence. This would have been eight weeks but due to the hate crime was uplifted to ten weeks.

Case Study 2: Racist Hate Crime

The defendant has sent a number of offensive communications to an MP, one which included racist language directed at immigrants. The defendant received a 14-week custodial sentence which was suspended for twelve months. The sentence would have been one of twelve weeks had it not been for the racist hate crime.

Case Study 3: Homophobic Hate Crime

The defendant was charged with assaulting a female family member whilst making homophobic comments towards the victim.

The defendant entered a guilty plea on day of trial and was made subject to a twelve-month community order and ordered to pay the victim compensation. Had there not been the hate crime element, there would not have been a compensation order.

Case Stud 4: Racist Hate Crime

Defendant was charged with making a racist comment to a neighbour during an argument regarding parking.
The defendant has pleaded guilty and was given a fine of £834. This would have been £625 but was increased to £834 due to the hate crime element.

Further reading

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