Neil Gunn – District Crown Prosecutor/Legal Manager For CPS Mersey-Cheshire
My background
I first joined the CPS in the 1980s. Back then I managed a small admin team. That role led to me sitting behind counsel during court sessions and I thought, ‘that’s something I’d like to do’. I qualified and then for many years I was in private practice before deciding to return to the CPS. I was able to transfer the skills I’d built up as a partner in a private legal firm and put them to use leading a team of lawyers in the Crown Advocate Unit.
My inspiration
I like the fact that you have a positive impact on people’s lives at the CPS. Our main focus is to make sure we do the right thing for the victim and justice is delivered.
My typical day
As a legal manager my role is to make sure the work of the Crown Advocate team runs smoothly and we are successful in prosecuting the right people for the right offences. It’s also about recognising the pressures and difficulties victims and witnesses may be facing and doing everything you can to help them feel comfortable and understand the process.
You can’t always predict what tomorrow will bring so it’s important that you and your team are there to support victims and witnesses through what may be a challenging and traumatic time.
Most days I’ll be checking with diaries and allocations, making sure schedules are in place for crown advocate cover. If I can’t be in court I like to be near to it to support, advise and assist my team.
I also provide legal guidance to my team and caseworkers and report back on the team’s work and performance. I make sure policies and procedures for the Crown Advocates are up-to-date and effectively monitored.
My biggest learning
The CPS has grown massively since I first started and technology has come into its own. There’s also been a huge growth in the support that’s available. When you join the CPS as a legal manager there is a specific lawyer induction programme which provides support to both new and experienced managers, to get to know the role and develop. There’s always someone to talk to, to help out and go to if you need that specialist knowledge on a particular area of crime.
There’s a real community feeling across the CPS and I’ve made some lifelong friends across the Criminal Justice System over my time in private practice and at the CPS. That’s really helped me across my career, working collaboratively with stakeholders both internally and externally to improve conviction rates and make the public feel safer.