Exceptions to spending controls Q1 2015 to 2016
Underlying Data
Exceptions to spending moratoria applied for by the Crown Prosecution Service
All government departments, including the CPS, have been required by the Government to limit spending, and since 24 May 2010, there have been moratoria in place on spending in specific areas, namely:
- A freeze on all new ICT spend above £1 million
- A freeze on all new advertising and marketing spend
- A freeze on all new consultancy spend
- Increased control over new property leases and lease extensions and
- A freeze on Civil Service recruitment
Under certain circumstances, exceptions to these moratoria can be applied, for example in order to maintain critical services. The Excel document exceptions to spending moratoria applied for by the CPS lists the exceptions applied for by the CPS in relation to the spending moratoria introduced by the Government in May 2010.