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Minutes of the CPS Board meeting on 24 June 2014



Alison Saunders (C)
Peter Lewis
Jim Brisbane
Paul Staff
Alison Porter
Derek Manuel
Jeremy Newman
Alan Jenkins


Simon Jeal
Rachel Gough

Item 1: Note of Last Meeting and Matters Arising

1. The note of the last meeting held on 20 May 2014 was agreed.

Item 2: Directors Update

2. The Director provided an update on the following:

  1. Recent meetings;
  2. Preventing Sexual Violence in Conflict Summit;
  3. UK - Caribbean Ministerial Forum;
  4. Launch of the Joint Rape Action Plan;
  5. Launch of the Asset Recovery Strategy;
  6. Violence Against Women Report; and the
  7. HQ Review.

Item 3: Transforming Summary Justice (TSJ)

3. Jim Brisbane provided background on the development of the Transforming Summary Justice (TSJ) model.

Item 4: Environmental Analysis

4. The Board discussed our current understanding of the environment we are operating in and how this might develop over the next 12 to 18 months. It was agreed that the annual Board planning event would be held later in the year in October.

Item 5: Risk

5. Paul Staff provided an overview of the 2013-14 CPS risk management process.

6. Jeremy Newman presented the Audit & Risk Committee Annual Report & Accounts 2013-14 for the Board to note.

Item 6: Community Accountability Forum - Non-executive Board Member Representative

7. The Board endorsed the proposal to appoint a Non-Executive Board member lead to provide check and challenge around equality and inclusion issues for the full range of Board activity e.g. its consideration and discussions, papers and communications.

Item 7: AOB

8. Paul Staff provided a brief verbal summary of the 2013-14 end of year CPS accounts.

Board Secretariat
Next meeting 23 September 2014

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